How to Foster Positive Communication: 9 Effective Techniques

by Admin

Posted on 22-11-2022 11:23 AM

One approach used to teach positive communication skills is the relationship enhancement (re) approach, which focuses on conversation sharing, conflict resolution skills , and effective self- and other-changing techniques for enriching relationships (pitts & socha, 2013). The method can be used to help clients express themselves , respond to the attitudes and needs of others, manage interpersonal issues skillfully, and solve problems promptly (pitts & socha, 2013). In order to accomplish these relational milestones, the re approach (pitts & socha, 2013, pp. 150–151) encourages the study and practice of skills, such as: empathic (listening) although all these skills are important to the practical application of positive communication, we discuss only a few here:. health

One of the important strategies during this fearful covid-19 pandemic is deep engagement of family physicians with sick, sometimes dying, patients and their families. Core guiding principle for this is patient and families must trust the doctor. Pandemic is affecting both the physical and psychological health of a community. Stress and fear arising from pandemic is controlled by guidance and counselling from trusted family physicians. Physician-patient relationships have significant positive and negative implications on treatment outcome. Family physicians must be competent for effective consultation techniques depending on the scenario. Owing to the rapid advancement of technologies, patients are exposed today to bulk of information.

What Is Positive Communication?

Developing effective patient–physician communication requires skill in conducting patient-centered interviews; conversing in a caring, communicative fashion; and engaging in shared decision making with patients 9. Physicians may consider five steps for effective patient-centered interviewing as shown in table 1 10. The following four qualities are important components of caring, effective communication skills: 1) comfort, 2) acceptance, 3) responsiveness, and 4) empathy 11. target Comfort and acceptance refer to the physician’s ability to discuss difficult topics without displaying uneasiness, and the ability to accept the patient’s attitudes without showing irritation or intolerance. Responsiveness and empathy refer to the ability to react positively to indirect messages expressed by a patient.

Instead of being attentive to what is right, some people tend to overemphasize what is wrong: why relationships do not work out, why diets fail, why personal finances are out of order, why bad luck always seems to arrive. Embedded in that negative tone, whether it be in outward communication or self-talk, is a pervasive insidiousness that, if unbridled, has the potential to cause emotional, mental and physical harm. Psychologists have been saying it for years: positive self-talk has important and tangible benefits, for our health, wellness and our relationships. However, in the realm of communication – communication competencies, group communication, interpersonal dialogue, messaging, mass media and other forms of interaction – discussions around positive interpersonal communication have been largely absent.

This book is a great addition to anybody teaching interpersonal communication courses at just about any level. It is sophisticated enough for seniors yet the writing is so clear that even intro-level students/courses would benefit from it. The examples are amazingly concrete because the author comes from a language and social interaction background and uses tons of great dialogue excerpts to demonstrate the issues. He uses many other examples and illustrations too, some humorous, some serious, and all significant. The book builds a model of positive communication chapter by chapter that gains momentum as it goes. It also really does balance theory and practice well.

Why Is Good Communication Important?

Communication in the workplace is important because it boosts employee morale, engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Communication is also key for better team collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, effective workplace communication helps drive better results for individuals, teams, and organizations. To take it a step further, specifically as a manager, building good communication skills has profound short- and long-term benefits for your organization. An effective communicator is able to motivate their team to get more done with better results and fewer misunderstandings. And who doesn’t want fewer misunderstandings? all of these things can contribute to the company’s success — and to your own personal success as a leader.

The single most important truth in the field of human communication is that what we say, what we do, affects people. It affects who they are, in the moment, and it affects who they become. I think a lot about this as the father of three young children. Complimenting is just one behavior among many that illustrates our capacity for affecting people in a positive way. Sometimes, when i do trainings, leaders ask me how many compliments they should give to get their staff to do what they want. But compliments should not be used in a robotic way.

In addition to the love communication skills taken from motivational interviewing, craft prescribes positive communication skills as additional communication tools for your toolbox. You might be thinking: “wouldn’t that be nice…to just be positive!” but craft breaks it down into seven elements, all within your reach. These elements will improve any kind of communication, but they are especially useful for making requests. What we have found with these seven elements is they are both straightforward and difficult to do, so practice is important. “positive communication” does not mean only saying nice things and avoiding conflict. Here’s what it does mean: (for examples and more explanation, see our chapter on positive communication in beyond addiction.

Giving and receiving feedback is essential and one of the core skills for effective communication. Giving feedbacks encourages a person, and similarly receiving a couple helps you to view and improve your weak points. You might not get all the feedback stating how good of a person you are. Sometimes they may be tough to read, but you must act positively on them to be a better communicator. Also, try to understand the problems that are causing people to give the feedback they are giving. You can also ask the senders about what it means if you cannot comprehend the feedback well.